Y. Kawakami, T. Matsumoto, and Y. Takano: Missing value imputation via mathematical optimization with instance-and-feature neighborhoods . Optimization Online (2024).
T. Shiratori and Y. Takano: DC algorithm for estimation of sparse Gaussian graphical models . arXiv preprint, arXiv:2408.04206 (2024).
S. Ikeda, N. Nishimura, N. Sukegawa, and Y. Takano: Robust personalized pricing under uncertainty of purchase probabilities . arXiv preprint, arXiv:2407.15332 (2024).
T. Yanagi, S. Ikeda, N. Sukegawa, and Y. Takano: Privacy-preserving recommender system using the data collaboration analysis for distributed datasets . arXiv preprint, arXiv:2406.01603 (2024).
Y. Kawakami, Y. Takano, and A. Imakura: New solutions based on the generalized eigenvalue problem for the data collaboration analysis . arXiv preprint, arXiv:2404.14164 (2024).
Y. Yasumoto and Y. Takano: Mean–variance portfolio optimization with shrinkage estimation for recommender systems . Optimization Online (2023).
Refereed Journal Papers
Y. Uehara, N. Nishimura, Y. Li, J. Yang, D. Jobson, K. Ohashi, T. Matsumoto, N. Sukegawa, and Y. Takano: Robust portfolio optimization model for electronic coupon allocation . INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research (in press).
D. Ikuma, S. Ikeda, N. Sukegawa, and Y. Takano: Container pre-marshalling problem minimizing CV@R under uncertainty of ship arrival times . Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association (in press).
R. Tamura, Y. Takano, and R. Miyashiro: Mixed-integer linear optimization formulations for feature subset selection in kernel SVM classification . IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications, and Computer Sciences (in press).
H. Saishu, K. Kudo, and Y. Takano: Cutting-plane algorithm for estimation of sparse Cox proportional hazards models . TOP: Transactions in Operations Research, 32 (2024), 57--82.
S. Ikeda, N. Nishimura, N. Sukegawa, and Y. Takano: Prescriptive price optimization using optimal regression trees . Operations Research Perspectives, 11 (2023), 100290.
N. Nishimura, N. Sukegawa, Y. Takano, and J. Iwanaga: Predicting online item-choice behavior: A shape-restricted regression approach . Algorithms, 16 (2023), 415.
K. Kobayashi, Y. Takano, and K. Nakata: Cardinality-constrained distributionally robust portfolio optimization . European Journal of Operational Research, 309 (2023), 1173--1182.
Y. Takano and J. Gotoh: Dynamic portfolio selection with linear control policies for coherent risk minimization . Operations Research Perspectives, 10 (2023), 100262.
A. Watanabe, R. Tamura, Y. Takano, and R. Miyashiro: Branch-and-bound algorithm for optimal sparse canonical correlation analysis . Expert Systems with Applications, 217 (2023), 119530.
Y. Yoshida and Y. Takano: Linear control policies for online vehicle relocation in shared mobility systems . Expert Systems with Applications, 210 (2022), 118417.
K. Kobayashi, Y. Takano, and K. Nakata: Bilevel cutting-plane algorithm for cardinality-constrained mean-CVaR portfolio optimization . Journal of Global Optimization, 81 (2021), 493--528.
K. Zhang, Y. Takano, Y. Wang, and A. Yoshise: Optimizing the strategic decisions for one-way station-based carsharing systems: A mean-CVaR approach . IEEE Access, 9 (2021), 79816--79828.
H. Saishu, K. Kudo, and Y. Takano: Sparse Poisson regression via mixed-integer optimization . PLOS ONE, 16 (2021), e0249916.
T. Shiratori, K. Kobayashi, and Y. Takano: Prediction of hierarchical time series using structured regularization and its application to artificial neural networks . PLOS ONE, 15 (2020), e0242099.
N. Shimada, N. Yamazaki, and Y. Takano: Multi-objective optimization models for many-to-one matching problems . Journal of Information Processing, 28 (2020), 406--412.
K. Kudo, Y. Takano, and R. Nomura: Stochastic discrete first-order algorithm for feature subset selection . IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E103-D (2020), 1693--1702.
Y. Takano and R. Miyashiro: Best subset selection via cross-validation criterion . TOP: Transactions in Operations Research, 28 (2020), 475--488.
K. Kobayashi and Y. Takano: A branch-and-cut algorithm for solving mixed-integer semidefinite optimization problems . Computational Optimization and Applications, 75 (2020), 493--513.
J. Iwanaga, N. Nishimura, N. Sukegawa, and Y. Takano: Improving collaborative filtering recommendations by estimating user preferences from clickstream data . Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 37 (2019), 100877.
T. Sato, Y. Takano, and T. Nakahara: Investigating consumers' store-choice behavior via hierarchical variable selection . Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 13 (2019), 621--639.
M. Naganuma, Y. Takano, and R. Miyashiro: Feature subset selection for ordered logit model via tangent-plane-based approximation . IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E102-D (2019), 1046--1053.
R. Tamura, K. Kobayashi, Y. Takano, R. Miyashiro, K. Nakata, and T. Matsui: Mixed integer quadratic optimization formulations for eliminating multicollinearity based on variance inflation factor . Journal of Global Optimization, 73 (2019), 431--446.
N. Nishimura, N. Sukegawa, Y. Takano, and J. Iwanaga: A latent-class model for estimating product-choice probabilities from clickstream data . Information Sciences, 429 (2018), 406--420.
Y. Takano, N. Ishii, and M. Muraki: Determining bid markup and resources allocated to cost estimation in competitive bidding . Automation in Construction, 85 (2018), 358--368.
R. Tamura, K. Kobayashi, Y. Takano, R. Miyashiro, K. Nakata, and T. Matsui: Best subset selection for eliminating multicollinearity . Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 60 (2017), 321--336.
Y. Takano, N. Ishii, and M. Muraki: Multi-period resource allocation for estimating project costs in competitive bidding . Central European Journal of Operations Research, 25 (2017), 303--323.
T. Sato, Y. Takano, and R. Miyashiro: Piecewise-linear approximation for feature subset selection in a sequential logit model . Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 60 (2017), 1--14.
T. Sato, Y. Takano, R. Miyashiro, and A. Yoshise: Feature subset selection for logistic regression via mixed integer optimization . Computational Optimization and Applications, 64 (2016), 865--880.
J. Iwanaga, N. Nishimura, N. Sukegawa, and Y. Takano: Estimating product-choice probabilities from recency and frequency of page views . Knowledge-Based Systems, 99 (2016), 157--167.
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: A revised algorithm for competitive bidding price decision under limited engineering man-hours in EPC projects . Oukan, The Journal of Transdisiciplinary Federation of Science and Technology, 10 (2016), 47--56.
T. Sato, Y. Takano, and T. Nakahara: Using mixed integer optimisation to select variables for a store choice model . International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms, 5 (2016), 123--134.
R. Miyashiro and Y. Takano: Mixed integer second-order cone programming formulations for variable selection in linear regression . European Journal of Operational Research, 247 (2015), 721--731.
Y. Takano, K. Nanjo, N. Sukegawa, and S. Mizuno: Cutting plane algorithms for mean-CVaR portfolio optimization with nonconvex transaction costs . Computational Management Science, 12 (2015), 319--340.
R. Miyashiro and Y. Takano: Subset selection by Mallows' Cp: A mixed integer programming approach . Expert Systems with Applications, 42 (2015), 325--331.
Y. Takano and J. Gotoh: Multi-period portfolio selection using kernel-based control policy with dimensionality reduction . Expert Systems with Applications, 41 (2014), 3901--3914.
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: An order acceptance strategy under limited engineering man-hours for cost estimation in engineering-procurement-construction projects . International Journal of Project Management, 32 (2014), 519--528.
Y. Takano, N. Ishii, and M. Muraki: A sequential competitive bidding strategy considering inaccurate cost estimates . OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science, 42 (2014), 132--140.
Y. Takano and R. Sotirov: A polynomial optimization approach to constant rebalanced portfolio selection . Computational Optimization and Applications, 52 (2012), 645--666.
Y. Takano and J. Gotoh: A nonlinear control policy using kernel method for dynamic asset allocation . Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 54 (2011), 201--218.
Y. Takano and J. Gotoh: Constant rebalanced portfolio optimization under nonlinear transaction costs . Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 18 (2011), 191--211.
Y. Takano and J. Gotoh: Alpha-conservative approximation for probabilistically constrained convex programs . Computational Optimization and Applications, 46 (2010), 113--133.
Y. Takano and Y. Yamamoto: Metric-preserving reduction of earth mover's distance . Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 27 (2010), 39--54.
J. Gotoh and Y. Takano: Newsvendor solutions via conditional value-at-risk minimization . European Journal of Operational Research, 179 (2007), 80--96.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Y. Uehara, S. Ikeda, N. Nishimura, K. Ohashi, Y. Li, J. Yang, D. Jobson, X. Zha, T. Matsumoto, N. Sukegawa, and Y. Takano: Fast solution to the fair ranking problem using the Sinkhorn algorithm . Proceedings of the 21st Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI, 2024), in press.
T. Yanagi, S. Ikeda, and Y. Takano: Robust portfolio optimization for recommender systems considering uncertainty of estimated statistics . Proceedings of the 21st Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI, 2024), in press.
K. Ohashi, S. Sekine, D. Jobson, J. Yang, N. Nishimura, N. Sukegawa, and Y. Takano: Strategic coupon allocation for increasing providers' sales experiences in two-sided marketplaces . KDD 2024 Workshop on Two-sided Marketplace Optimization: Search, Pricing, Matching & Growth, arXiv preprint, arXiv:2407.14895 (2024).
N. Nishimura, N. Sukegawa, Y. Takano, and J. Iwanaga: Estimating product-choice probabilities from sequences of page views. Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA, 2019), 25--28.
S. Kamiya, R. Miyashiro, and Y. Takano: Feature subset selection for the multinomial logit model via mixed-integer optimization . Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS, 2019), 1254--1263. Acceptance rate: 360/1111 = 32.4%
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: Design and evaluation of the joint venture formation in EPC projects. Proceedings of the 19th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS, 2018), 6 pages.
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: Resource flow based order selection method in project cost estimation process . Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH, 2017), 155--162.
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: A dynamic scheduling problem in cost estimation process of EPC projects . Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH, 2016), 187--194.
R. Tamura, R. Miyashiro, and Y. Takano: Improvement on a stepwise method in variable selection problem in linear regression. Proceedings of the 4th ICT International Student Project Conference (ICT-ISPC, 2015), 4 pages in USB.
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: A two-step bidding price decision algorithm under limited man-hours in EPC projects . Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH, 2013), 393--403.
Book Chapters
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: A design method of the joint venture formation in EPC projects . Intelligent Engineering and Management for Industry 4.0 (2022), 137--146.
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: A resource flow based multistage dynamic scheduling method for the state-dependent work . Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 873 (2019), 300--316.
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: A simulation-based dynamic scheduling method in project cost estimation process . Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 676 (2018), 261--279.
N. Ishii, Y. Takano, and M. Muraki: A heuristic bidding price decision algorithm based on cost estimation accuracy under limited engineering man-hours in EPC projects . Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 319 (2015), 101--118.
Other Publications
T. Sato and Y. Takano: Smoothness-constrained model for nonparametric item response theory . Information Science and Applied Mathematics, 27 (2020), 1--20.
Y. Takano, S. Tsunoda, and M. Muraki: Mathematical optimization models for nonparametric item response theory . Information Science and Applied Mathematics, 23 (2016), 1--18.
Y. Takano and R. Sotirov: Towards global optimization of constant rebalanced portfolio. Medium for Econometric Applications, 18 (2012), 22--28.
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