
1. Maiko SHIGENO, Yasufumi SARUWATARI and Tomomi MATSUI, "An algorithm for fractional assignment problems," Discrete Applied Mathematics 56 (1995) 333-343.

2. Maiko SHIGENO and Satoru IWATA, "A dual approximation approach to weighted matroid intersection," Operations Research Letters 18 (1995) 153-157.

3. Maiko SHIGENO and Satoru IWATA, "A cost-scaling algorithm for 0-1 submodular flows," Discrete Applied Mathematics 73 (1997) 261-273.

4. Akiyoshi SHIOURA and Maiko SHIGENO, "The tree center problems and the relationship with the bottleneck knapsack problems," Networks 29 (1997) 107-110.

5. Satoru IWATA, Kazuo MUROTA and Maiko SHIGENO, "A fast parametric submodular intersection algorithm for strong map sequences," Mathematics of Operations Research 22 (1997) 803-813.

6. Maiko SHIGENO, Satoru IWATA and S. Thomas McCORMICK, "Relaxed most negative cycle and most positive cut canceling algorithms for minimum cost flow," Mathematics of Operations Research 25 (2000) 76-104.

7. Satoru IWATA, S.Thomas McCORMICK and Maiko SHIGENO, "A faster cost scaling algorithm for submodular flow," Information Processing Letters 74 (2000) 123-128.

8. Maiko SHIGENO, "Minimax Inverse Problems of Minimum Cuts," Networks 39 (2002) 7-14.

9. Satoru IWATA and Maiko SHIGENO, "Conjugate scaling technique for Fenchel-type duality in discrete convex optimization," SIAM Journal on Optimization 13 (2002) 204-211 .

10. Maiko SHIGENO, Ichiro Takahasi and Yoshitsugu Yamamoto, "Minimum maximal flow problem - An optimization over the efficient set-, " Journal of Global Optimization 25 (2003) 425- 443.

11. Satoru IWATA, S. Thomas McCORMICK and Maiko SHIGENO, "Fast cycle canceling algorithms for minimum cost submodular flow," Combinatorica 23 (2003) 503-525.

12. 阿部英樹,糸井川栄一,繁野麻衣子,「実市街地データへの難燃化整備計画問題の適用可能性」地域安全学会論文集 6 (2004) 149-154.

13. Maiko SHIGENO, " A survey of combinatorial maximum flow algorithms on a network with gains," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 47 (2004) 244-264

14. Satoru IWATA, S. Thomas McCORMICK and Maiko SHIGENO, "A strongly polynomial cut canceling algorithm for the submodular flow problem," SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005) 304-320.

15. Maiko SHIGENO, "Maximum flows with concave gains, " Mathematical Programming 107 (2006) 439-459

16. Maiko SHIGENO, "An adjustable robust approach for a 1-median location problem on a tree, " Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 51 (2008) 127-135

17. Zhe HOU and Maiko SHIGENO,"New Bounds on the Minimum Number of Calls in Failure-Tolerant Gossiping, " Networks, 53 (2009) 35-38

18. Akira ICHIMURA and Maiko SHIGENO"A new parameter for a broadcast algorithm with locally bounded Byzantine faults, " Information Processing Letters, 110 (2010) 514-517

19. 張明超,高橋里司,繁野麻衣子「最大密度部分集合問題と近似2分探索による解法」日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会和文論文誌,53(2010) 1-13

20. Satoshi TAKAHASHI and Maiko SHIGENO"Approximatin algorithms for a winner determination problem of single-item multi-unit auctions, " JSIAM Letters, 3 (2011) 29-32

21. Reiko TAKEHARA, Masahiro HACHIMORI and Maiko SHIGENO"A comment on pure-strategy Nash equilibria in competitive diffusion games, " Information Processing Letters, 112 (2012) 59-60

22. 高橋里司,竹房あつ子,繁野麻衣子,中田秀基,工藤知宏,吉瀬章子「省電力化のためのマッチングに基づく仮想計算機パッキングアルゴリズム」情報処理学会論文誌. コンピューティングシステム, 5(5) (2012) 33-42

23. Satoshi TAKAHASHI, Atsuko TAKEFUSA, Maiko SHIGENO, Hidemoto NAKADA, Tomohiro KUDOH, and Akiko YOSHISE"Power efficient virtual machine packing for green Datacenter, "International Journal of Next-Generation Computing, 4, (2013) 162-181

24. Mingchao ZHAMG, Song LUO, and Maiko SHIGENO, "On the Number of Edges in a Minimum C6-Saturated Graph, " Graphs and Combinatorics, 31, Issue 4, (2015) 1085-1106

25. Yosuke Watanabe, Kiyo Ishii, Toshiki Sato, Atsuko Takefusa, Tomohiro Kudoh, Hidemoto Nakada, Maiko Shigeno, Akiko Yoshise, Routing and Wavelength/sub-wavelength path assignment to maximizing accommodated traffic demands on optical networks, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 10 (2016), JAMDSM0038

26. Masahide SAHO, and Maiko SHIGENO, Cancel-and-tighten algorithm for quickest flow problems, Networks, 69 (2017) 179–188

27. Hikoe Enomoto, Masahiro Hachimori, Shun Nakamura, Maiko Shigeno, YuyaTanaka, and MasaakiTsugami. Pure-strategy Nash equilibria on competitive diffusion games, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 244 (2018), 1-19.

28. Yuki KIMURA, Kengo SHIMIZU, Tetsuya TSUBOI, Daisuke HASEGAWA, Kouji ISHIKAWA, Keisuke KIMURA, Miku TANAKA, Kazunori OZEKI, Jieying ZHOU, Maiko SHIGENO. An approach to cooking process scheduling for a family restaurant, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing,12 (2018) JAMDSM0076

29. 周 潔瑩 , 坪井 哲也 , 長谷川 大輔 , 石川 浩司 , 木村 恵介 , 田中 未来 , 大関 和典 , 繁野 麻衣子「 調理手順スケジューリングモデルに対するルール設計と検証」 情報処理学会論文誌,数理モデル化と応用(TOM), 11(2), 63-74 (2018)

30. Umesha Perera, Maiko Shigeno, Ushio Sumita, Development of Segmentation Algorithm for Identifying Lifecycle of Smartphone Applications, International Journal of Business and Information, 13, (2018) 267-294

31. Yasutaka Miyagawa, Yosuke Watanabe, Maiko Shigeno, Kiyo Ishii, Atsuko Takefusa, and AkikoYoshise: Bounds for two static optimization problems on routing and spectrum allocation of anycasting, Optical Switching and Networking, 31, 144-161 (2019)

32. Song Luo, Yuji Matsuura, Ying Miao, Maiko Shigeno, Non-adaptive group testing on graphs with connectivity, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 38, 278–291 (2019)

33. Kazuki Fujiwara, Maiko Shigeno, Ushio Sumita, A new approach for developing segmentation algorithms for strongly imbalanced data, IEEE Access, 7, 82970 - 82977 (2019)

34. Taketo Yoshida, Masaki Yano, Kenichiro Horikawa, Keita Sato, Shota Minami, Maiko Shigeno, Modeling and Evaluating Taxi Ride-sharing for Event Trips, IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications, 12, 1 - 11 (2019)

35. 藤原和樹, 繁野麻衣子, 住田潮 「不均衡データに対する多段階学習を用いた アンサンブルモデルによる2 クラス分類アルゴリズムの提案」情報処理学会論文誌,数理モデル化と応用(TOM), 12(3), 10-17 (2019)

36. Tianyang Li, Maiko Shigeno, Nash equilibra for information diffusino games on weighted cycles and paths, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 64(1), 1-11 (2021)

37. Jinping Fan, Hung-Lin Fu, Yujie Gu, Ying Miao, Maiko Shigeno, Strongly separable matrices for nonadaptive combinatorial group testing, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 291, 180-187 (2021)

38. M. Yang, Q. Wu, M. Shigeno and Y. Zhang, "Hierarchical Routing and Resource Assignment in Spatial Channel Networks (SCNs): Oriented Toward the Massive SDM Era," in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 1255-1270, 2021

39 Q. Wu, J. Wang and M. Shigeno, A novel channel-based model for the problem of routing, space, and spectrum assignment, Optical Switching and Networking 43, 100636 (2022)

40. 臼井 颯汰, 栗野 盛光, 大藤 剛宏, 繁野 麻衣子, 交換移植制度におけるドミナントマッチングの適用可能性, 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会和文論文誌, 65, 1-21 (2022)

41. J. Wang, M. Shigeno and Q. Wu, ILP models and improved methods for the problem of routing and spectrum allocation, Optical Switching and Networking, 45, 100675 (2022)

42. F. Xue, H. Ma, M. Shigeno, Home away table classification and carry-over effect values minimization under restricted breaks for round-robin tournament, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 16 (4) Pages JAMDSM0040, (2022)

43. J. Wang, S. Chen, Q. Wu, Y. Tan, and M. Shigeno. Solving the Static Resource-Allocation Problem in SDM-EONs via a Node-Type ILP Model, Sensors 22, no. 24: 9710. (2022)

44. H. Hashikami, R. Kobayashi, Y. Li, Y. Nakano, M. Shigeno, Safe Route Carpooling to Avoid Accident Locations and Small Scale Proof of Concept in Japan, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 4239-4250, 2023.

45. H. Hashikami, Y. Li, R. Kobayashi, M. Shigeno, Challenges of commuter carpooling with adapting to Japanese customs and regulations: A pilot study, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 22, 100945, 2023,


1. Satoru IWATA, S. Thomas McCORMICK and Maiko SHIGENO, "A faster algorithm for minimum cost submodular flows," Proceedings of the Ninth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (1998) 167-174.

2. Satoru IWATA, S. Thomas McCORMICK and Maiko SHIGENO, "A strongly polynomial cut canceling algorithm for the submodular flow problem," Proceedings of the 7th International Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Conference (1999) 259-272.

3. Hiroyuki MIYAGAWA, Maiko SHIGENO, Satoshi TAKAHASHI, and Mingchao ZHANG "Community Extraction in Hypergraphs Based on Adjacent Numbers,"The Ninth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 10) , Lecture Notes in Operations Research 12 (2010) 309–316

4. Satoshi FUKAI, Nobuyuki HIROSE, Kazuki MIKI and Maiko SHIGENO"Case studies of scheduling in traffic services by optimization technique,"Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2011, 85-89

5. Satoshi Takahashi, Atsuko Takefusa, Maiko Shigeno, Hidemoto Nakada, Tomohiro Kudoh and Akiko Yoshise "Virtual Machine Packing Algorithms for Lower Power Consumption," 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (2012) IEEE

6. Yutaro IKEDA, Ayumi IGARASHI, and Maiko SHIGENO,"Applications of popular matchings on campus, "International Symposium on Scheduling 2013, 86-90

7. Song LUO, Maiko SHIGENO, and Wenbo MA,"Ranking Smartphone Apps Based on Users' Behavior Records," Serviceology for Designing the Future, Selected and Edited Papers of the 2nd International Conference on Serviceology (2016) 345-358

8. Umesha PERERA, Maiko SHIGENO, Ushio SUMITA, Yoshitsugu YAMAMOTO," Development of statistical approach for estimating key competitive performance measures of smartphone applications," The proceedings of 2016 Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), 266- 273

9. Umesha PERERA, Maiko SHIGENO, Ushio SUMITA, " Development of Segmentation Algorithm for Identifying Lifecycle of Smartphone Applications," The proceedings of International Conference on Business and Information (BAI) 2017, 122-143 (Distinguished Paper Award)

10. Tetsuro Iwaki, Maiko Shigeno, Ushio Sumita " Development of Rating Algorithms for Establishing Daily Ranking of Smartphone Applications Based on Temporally Inhomogeneous Markov Chain Approach," The proceedings of International Conference on Business and Information (BAI) 2017, 49-61

11. Yuki Kimura, Kengo Shimizu, Tetsuya Tsuboi, Daisuke Hasegawa, Kouji Ishikawa, Keisuke Kimura, Miku Tanaka, Kazunori Ozeki, Jieying Zhou, Maiko Shigeno " Improvements in cooking process scheduling for family restaurants," Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2017, 121-126

12. Ikuma Higashikozono, Shunya Asaba, Maiko Shigeno, Ushio Sumita " On an Effective Carrying Set of Repair Parts for a Housing Equipment Company to Minimize Cost per Repair Call: Text Mining and Combinatorial Optimization Approach," The proceedings of International Conference on Business and Information (BAI) 2018, 49-61

13. Naoto Kimura, Maiko Shigeno, Ushio Sumita, Sota Usui, Ken Watanabe, Ryo Watanabe and Wenda Zhang " A case study on route planning for vehicles to improving loading efficiency," Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2019, 202-207

14. Ken Watanabe, Shota Minami and Maiko Shigeno " Routing and fare distribution for taxi ride-sharing with little dissatisfaction," Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2019, 208-213

15. Hiroto Ueda, Yunfei Chen, Ken Sato, Maiko Shigeno, and Ushio Sumita, " A comparison of integer programming based models for parallel machine batch scheduling," Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2021, 24-29

16. Fei Xue, Haijunfu Ma, and Maiko Shigeno," Minimizing carry-over effect values under restricted breaks for round-robin tournament," Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2021, 80-85

17. Yiliu Tan, Qian Wu, Yoshiki Nakano, Jiading Wang andMaiko Shigeno," Network Design Models with Partial Protection Schemes against Multiple Failures under Optical-Channel Data Unit Constraints," Proceedings of 2021 IEEE 6th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC), 2021, pp. 38-46, doi: 10.1109/OGC52961.2021.9654396

18. Joe Brinton, Shota Oki, Xin Yang, Maiko Shigeno, Height Estimation for Abrasive Grain of Synthetic Diamonds on Microscope Images by Conditional Adversarial Networks, IEA/AIE 2022: Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Theory and Practices in Artificial Intelligence pp 797–804

19. Y. Tan, Y. Nakano, J. Wang and M. Shigeno. Designing of OTN/WDM networks withrecovery methods for multiple failures.2022 27th OptoElectronics and CommunicationsConference (OECC) and 2022 International Conference on Photonics in Switching andComputing (PSC), pp. 1-3, 2022.

20. Xin Yang, Tetsuya Tsuboi, Keisuke Kimura, Keitarou Hangai, and Maiko Shigeno, Restaurant Sales forecasting with feature interaction-learning mechanism based neural network model,IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2022, 2022, pp. 4166–4172

21. Xin Yang, Yu Li, Wenhui Ai, Maiko Shigeno, Four-level knowledge graph contrastive learning structure for smart-phone application recommendation. IWCMC 2023: 1340-1345

22. Wushuang Wang, Yu Li, Hidenobu Hashikami, Maiko Shigeno, A Discrete JAYA Algorithm for Long-Term Carpooling Problem. GCCE 2023: 1075-1076

Unrefereed papers

1. Jun OHTA and Maiko SHIGENO, "A note on minimax inverse generalized minimum cost flow problems," Discussion Paper No. 976 (2002).

2. KABASAWA Takeru, MURATA Kentaro and SHIGENO Maiko, " A Note on FPTAS for Single Machine Weighted Tardiness Problem with a Common Due Date," Discussion Paper No. 1198 (2008).

3. 高木英明,岡田幸彦,吉瀬章子,繁野麻衣子「顧客志向ビジネス・イノベーションのためのサービス科学に基づく高度専門職業人育成プログラムの開発」人口知能学会誌, 25(2010) 726-734

4. 池上敦子,繁野麻衣子「質の高いサービスを提供するためのスタッフスケジューリング」電子情報通信学会誌, 94(2011) 760-766

5. 繁野麻衣子,松岡博「手術室のスケジューリング」,オペレーションズ・リサーチ58(2013)628-633.

6. 繁野麻衣子「レストランの調理作業手順スケジューリング」,オペレーションズ・リサーチ61(2016)652-653.

7. 繁野麻衣子,池上敦子「スタッフ・スケジューリングにおける周期的スケジュール作成と適用の課題」,オペレーションズ・リサーチ63(2018)134-138.

8. 繁野麻衣子,山本芳嗣「筑波大学での倉谷賞候補選出方法」,オペレーションズ・リサーチ63(2018)264-266.

9. 堀川健一郎, 南翔太, 佐藤啓太, 渡邊英理, 吉田岳人, 矢野正基, 繁野麻衣子「イベント参加者のためのライドシェアサービスの支払い料金配分設計」 デンソーテクニカルレビュー 23 (2018) 159-166

10. 橋上秀宜,繁野麻衣子「数理最適化を用いたサービス工学の事例―通勤カープールの実証実験―」,オペレーションズ・リサーチ68(2023)161-168.

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