Discrete Mathematics 離散数理


Class plan of the first half

This class discusses the theory and optimization methods for discrete systems. We review about integer programming, graphs and network optimization. The theory of algorithm design and computational complexity are also discussed.
  1. Graph  グラフ
    Keywords: graph, network, path , cycle, cut, subgraph, tree, bipartite graph, planar graph, incidence matrix, adjacency matrix, adjacency list
  2. Graph Search グラフ探索
    Keywords: depth-first search(DFS), topological order, strongly connected component decomposition, breadth-first-search(BFS)
  3. Algorithms and Complexity アルゴリズムと複雑性
    Keywords: problem and instance, Turing machine, RAM, computability, time complexity, space complexity, size of problem, asymptotic bounds, worst case analysis, average case analysis, polynomial time algorithm, strongly polynomial time algorithm, pseudo polynomial time algorithm, exponential time algorithm, class P, class NP, class NP-complete, SAT, QLIQE, VERTEX-COVER, SUBSET-SUM, HAMILTONIAN CYCLE, PARTITION, 3DIMENSIONAL MACHING, INDEPENDENT-SET, polynomial-time reduction, class NP-hard, class co-NP, class PSPACE
  4. Spanning Tree 全域木
    Keywords: fundamental cycle/cut, Prim method, Kruskal method, minimum arborescence, spanning tree on planar graph, MST-polytope, primal-dual algorithm
  5. Maximum Flow 最大流
    Keywords: maximum-flow minimum-cut theorem, augmenting path method, residual network, LP, preflow-push method,
  6. Minimum Cost Flow 最小費用流
    Keywords: minimum circulation problem, negative-cycle canceling algorithm, positive-cut canceling algorithm, successive shortest path algorithm, primal-dual algorithm, scaling algorithm


return 戻る