システム情報系 社会工学域


  平成29年度    ファカルティ・セミナー


日 時    : 2017127日(木)16301800

場 所    : 3F1200-L

講演者    : 作道 真理 氏(日本政策投資銀行・設備投資研究所)

司会者    : 大久保 正勝

演 題    : Seemingly Unrelated Intervention: Environmental Management Systems at Workplaces and Energy Conservation Behaviors at Home



To reduce environmental impacts, a growing number of organizations worldwide have implemented environmental management systems (EMSs). In those organizations, energy conservation activities become the usual thing for the employees. We hypothesize that they continue energy conservation behaviors while at home. This hypothesis is supported by data from surveys of individuals in Japan; specifically, we find that the probability of engaging in energy conservation practices while at home is higher and the expenditures on electricity use are lower for individuals who work at organizations that implement EMSs than for those who do not. Our results suggest that beyond its original purpose, i.e., helping organizations reduce the environmental impacts generated by their activities, EMSs work as an intervention to promote household energy conservation.