システム情報系 社会工学域

   平成28年度    ファカルティ・セミナー

               Faculty Seminar

日 時   : 平成28年10月27日(木)      16:30〜18:00

場 所   : F1200-L

講 演 者 : 宇都 伸之 氏(早稲田大学政治経済学術院)

司会者   : 栗野 盛光

演 題   : Monetary Incentives and Eye Movements

        < abstract

Providing monetary incentives to each participant according to his or her payoff in an experiment is an important procedure for experimental economics. Nowadays, eye tracking has become an effective method to investigate economic decision making. However, whether incentives affect eye movements remains an unresolved question. Hence, this study explores this unaddressed question in the case of a risky choice experiment. Two experimental treatments are used regarding the incentive: real incentive (RI) treatment and hypothetical incentive (HI) treatment. Participants eye movements, choices, and decision time are recorded and compared. The results are as follows. First, there are no significant differences in choice distribution between the two treatments. Second, the decision time is longer for RI than HI. This implies that people aggressively invest cognitive effort to make decisions when monetary incentives are provided. Third, participants eye movement pattern is different between two treatments even though the choice distribution is not. This suggests that a lack of monetary incentives affects peoples decision-making process. Finally, the prediction accuracy of choices using eye-movement information is improved in RI treatment. Therefore, the relationship between eye movements and choices becomes stronger in the presence of monetary incentives. The findings suggest that it is appropriate to provide monetary incentives for eye tracking experiment.