システム情報系 社会工学域                            

         平成25年度  ファカルティ・セミナー

                       (Faculty Seminar)

日 時 : 2013711()  16:30-18:00

場 所 : 第三学群F棟 3F1102

講演者 : Nam-Dung Hoang [ ベトナム国家大学ハノイ校   ]

司会者 : 石川 竜一郎

演 題 : Constrained Cost Allocation Games


 We propose the notion of constrained cost allocation game, which is an extension of cost allocation games in order to handle constraints on output prices and coalition formation that come up in real-world applications. The talk also presents and discusses several game-theoretical concepts taking into account different aspects of fairness and practical requirements. We suggest that by considering the ticket pricing problem in public transport as a constrained cost allocation game, one can come up with price systems that constitute a good compromise between fairness and enforceability.