


         平成23年度  ファカルティ・セミナー

                       (Faculty Seminar)



日 時 : 20119 8()  16:3018:00

場 所 : 第三学群F棟 3F 1136

講演者 : Dimitry Rtischev [ 学習院大学経済学部  ]

司会者 : 石川 竜一郎

演 題 : Evolution of rationality in a population of agents playing

a public goods game






If we were to discover an isolated population of agents who, for many generations, have been playing a public goods game and have been subject to evolutionary selection based on individual earnings in the game, what kind of play based on what kind of rationality would we find in this population?  To explore this question, we model the evolution of agents randomly paired to play a sequential public goods game.  We emphasize how theory of mind capabilities enable agents to develop a subjective rationality that partially overcomes the social dilemma within each dyad.  We find it plausible that the population would evolve to practice such subjective rationality and thereby achieve levels of public good production significantly above Nash equilibrium, but not as high as under full cooperation.

Keywords:  evolution of preferences, theory of mind, rationality, cooperation, evolutionary game theory