

         平成15年度  ファカルティー・セミナー

                       (Faculty Seminar)



日 時 : 2003102()  16:20-17:20

場 所 : 第三学群C棟 3C 201

講演者 : 内藤 久裕  [ 大阪大学社会経済研究所 講師 ]

司会者 : 金子 

演 題    Neutrality Theorem Revisted: An Empirical Investigation of Public Good Provision


Households have many economic roles in society. One of such functions is to share household-level public goods that are jointly consumed by members of the household. The unitary model or the non-cooperative game theoretic model of the household resource allocation implies the household public goods provision is neutral with respect to income distribution between the husband and the wife. In this paper, we empirically test the neutrality of the household public goods provision. Our result shows that the household public goods is not neutral with respect to income distribution between the husband and the wife. This result suggests important implications for design of public policies such as income tax system and public pension system.