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2024年度 査読付き論文/Publications (reviewed)

  1. !!!祝: Best Paper Award in APIEMS2024 : Ibuki Shishido/宍戸唯輝 !!!
    I. Shishido/宍戸唯輝, S. Sakurai/桜井俊太郎, S. Arima. (2024).
    "Due dates assignment based on customer changeability classifications in Make-to-order productoins." Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2024, pp.1-6.
  2. 特願2024-201781 「計数方法、計数装置、および計数システム」(産学共同出願)
    発明者:<大学>有馬澄佳、伊東寛紀、高田大右、金原壮太 <企業>岡本崇利、本多花帆、春木優汰
    出願人・所有者:筑波大学、ダイダン株式会社.出願日:令和6 (2024)年11月19日.
  3. Y. Suzuki/鈴木 優梨歌, S. Arima. (2024).
    Multi-factory Scheduling Considering the Trade-offs between Production Efficiency and Risks.
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM2024), ,IEEE : pp.1-4. (Accepted. to be published)
  4. K. Sumiya/住谷浩一, S. Arima. (2024).
    Classification of Multivariate Time Series Signals Using Self-Supervised Representation Learning.
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM2024), ,IEEE : pp.1-4. (Accepted. to be published)
  5. T. AI/阿井大樹, T. MAEDA/前田拓海, K. SUMIYA/住谷浩一, T. ITO/伊藤大輝, D. TAKADA/髙田大右, S. ARIMA. (2024).
    Robust Classifications of WBM Defect Patterns
    The Semiconductor Wafer Test Conference Asia (SWTest Asia 2024). (Accepted)
  6. H. Ozawa/小澤陽樹, T. Ito/伊藤大輝, T. Matsuzawa/松澤拓也, S. Hoshino/星野紗来, K. Watanabe/渡邉響, S. Arima. (2024).
    The Semiconductor Wafer Test Conference Asia (SWTest Asia 2024).(Accepted)
  7. Y. Watanabe/渡邊悠義, N. Kashimoto/樫本乃唯, S. Arima. (2024).
    Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE51),
    Curran & Associates,
    pp.1-10. (Accepted. to be published) (Dec.2024, Sydney, Australia.)
  8. 特許出願/Patent JP 特願2024- 099058
    発明者:有馬澄佳, 佐藤優太, 鈴木優梨歌, 毛晨丁, 森江翔, 佐々木優
    出願人:筑波大学, 出願日:2024年6月19日.
  9. K. Nagai/永井康友, S. Arima. (2024).
    "Pipeline production model and sensitivity analysis of Engineering-to-Order products using system dynamics."
    Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2024,
    pp.1-6. (Accepted. to be published)
  10. I. Shishido/宍戸唯輝, S. Sakurai/桜井俊太郎, S. Arima. (2024).
    "Due dates assignment based on customer changeability classifications in Make-to-order productoins."
    Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2024,
    pp.1-6. (Accepted. to be published)
  11. S. Hoshino/星野紗来, T. Ito/伊藤大輝, T. Matsuzawa/松澤拓也, H. Ozawa/小澤陽樹, S. Arima. (2024).
    Interaction Modeling for High-Dimensional Mixed Data with Numerical and Categorical Features.
    Procedia Computer Science, XXX, Elsevier: pp.1-10.
  12. H. Ozawa/小澤陽樹, S. Hoshino/星野紗来, S. Arima. (2024).
    Interaction modeling of highly-correlated data based on Sparse Factorization Machines and CHANOL -FP reduction.
    Procedia Computer Science, XXX, Elsevier: pp.1-10.

2023年度 査読付き論文/Publications (reviewed)

  1. 特許(登録): 特許第7444439号
    発明者:筑波大学 有馬澄佳, 辻拓幹, 大沼悠斗, 西雄介 (有馬研).
    所有者:筑波大学, (出願日:2020年3月5日、登録日:2024年2月27日).
  2. T. Maeda/前田拓海D. Takada/髙田大右
    !! 祝・Student Award!!
    !! Symposium HP (AEC/APC Asia 2023):Student Award!!
  3. Y. Tahara/田原優作 and S. Arima.
    Multi-factory scheduling for a corporated supply chain.
    The journal ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS - Series: APPLIED MATHEMATICS, MECHANICS, and ENGINEERING, the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 8 pages, Oct-2023.(to be published)
  4. H. Takahashi/高橋春樹 and S. Arima.
    Due date assignment of multi-product in Make-to-order supply chains.
    The journal ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS - Series: APPLIED MATHEMATICS, MECHANICS, and ENGINEERING, the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 6 pages, Oct-2023.(to be published)
  5. T. Maeda/前田拓海D. Takada/髙田大右, and S. Arima.
    Mixed-type Defect Pattern Classifications.
    Proceedings of AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023, Semiconportal, 2 pages, Nov-2023.
  6. T. Maeda/前田拓海, D. Takada/髙田大右, S. Kimpara/金原壮汰, H. Itou/伊東寛紀, and S. Arima. Multimodal Data Analysis for Superposition Defect Classification: Case Study of Semiconductor Defect Patterns.
    Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, 377, Springer, 12 pages, Sep-2023.(to be published)
  7. 特願 Patent JP (Application No.) 2023-106926
    発明者:有馬澄佳, 渡邉響
    出願人:筑波大学, 出願日:2023年6月29日
  8. 小川貴史.半導体デバイス市場の多重解像度解析― 長周期変動におけるマクロ経済変動の影響 ―
    日本経営システム学会誌, 40(2), 日本経営システム学会, 11 pages, Nov-2023.(to be published)
  9. S. Hoshino/星野紗来, Kyo Watanabe/渡邉響, and S. Arima. (2023).
    Interaction Modelling of High Dimensional Production Data.
    Procedia Computer Science, 225. Elsevier. 4055-4064.
  10. H. Takahashi/高橋春樹 and S. Arima.
    Due date assignment of multi-product in Make-to-order supply chains.
    Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR2023), 4 pages, Jul-2023.
  11. Y. Tahara/田原優作, Y. Nagai/永井康友, and S. Arima.
    Multi-factory scheduling for a corporated supply chain.
    Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Production Research (ICPR2023), 4 pages, Jul-2023.
  12. Jia Lin/藺嘉, Chengding MAO/毛晨丁, and S. Arima.
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Scheduling 2023, Scheduling Society of Japan, 6 pages, 2023.
  13. Xiangchu Chen, and S. Arima.
    Optimized Deployment Planning for Elderly Welfare Facilities Based on Network Theory ~A Case Study of Ibaraki Prefecture's Day Care Welfare Facilities for the Elderly.
    Innovation inMedicine and Healthcare, Springer, 101-117, 2023.
  14. D. Takada/髙田大右, H. Itou/伊東寛紀, R. Ohta/太田諒, T. Maeda/前田拓海, K. Watanabe/渡邉響, and S. Arima. Image-Multimodal Data Analysis for Defect Classification: Case Study of Semiconductor Defect Patterns.
    Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, Springer, 48-61, 2023.
  15. H. Itou/伊東寛紀, Kyo Watanabe/渡邉響, and S. Arima.
    Image-Multimodal Data Analysis for Defect Classification: Case Study of Industrial Printing.
    Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, Springer, 35-47, 2023.
  16. 特願 Patent JP (Application No.) 2023-097287
    「判定装置、 学習装置及び教師データ生成装置」
    発明者:有馬澄佳, 伊東寛紀, 渡邉響, 高田大右, 前田拓海, 星野紗来
    出願人:筑波大学, 出願日:2023年6月13日

2022年度 査読付き論文/Publications (reviewed)

  1. H. BU/卜恵貞, T. NAGATA/永田拓也, K. ONODERA/小野寺翔, and S. ARIMA, "Sparse reluctant interaction modelling with Convex Hull Approximation - For accurate modelling of highly correlated variables based on diverse nearly optimal solutions -," The Journal of the Japan Industrial Management Association, 73巻4E, pp.1-10, 2023.
  2. S. ARIMA, S. MORIE/森江翔, Y. SASAKI/佐々木優, Yuto KATAOKA/片岡弓澄, C. Mao/毛晨丁, J. LIN/藺嘉 "Data-driven Modeling for Production Dynamics," IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing, MS-057/pp.1-4, IEEE, Dec 2022.
  3. C. MAO/毛晨丁, J. LIN/藺嘉, S. ARIMA, "Self-tuning Optimization to Compatible the Delivery and Low Energy Consumption," IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing, ES-062/pp.1-4, IEEE, Dec 2022.
  4. J. LIN/藺嘉, T. ONO/大野智暉, Q. ZHU/祝清新, C. MAO/毛晨丁, S. MORIE/森江翔, H. TAKAHASHI/高橋春樹, S. ARIMA, "MULTI-CRITERIA OPTIMIZATION OF N-STEP HYBRID FLOW-SHOP SCHEDULING - MAKE-TO-ORDER CASES WITH BATCH PROCESS -," Proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ISCIE & ASME, ISFA2022-041/pp.1-8(full paper), Jul-2022.

2021年度 査読付き論文/Publications (reviewed)

  1. L. Qin/覃麗敏, T. Nagata/永田拓也, K. Handa/半田滉太朗, K. Watanabe/渡邉響, T. Maeda/前田拓海, S. Arima,
    "Interaction Modelings for Industrial Data - for final quality estimation and proess integration,"
    Proceeding of AEC/APC symposium Asia 2021, TDA-015, Nov-2021.
  2. Kotsuka Yuhei/小塚雄平, Sumika Arima,
    "Variable Selection for Correlated High-dimensional Data with Infrequent Categorical Variables: based on Sparse Sample Regression and Anomaly Detection Technology,"
    Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, Springer, 109-125, June-2021.
  3. 藺嘉,佐々木優,森江翔,田中瑛理,有馬澄佳
  4. 「複数種のリソースを共用する多品種生産システムの分散協調スケジューリング-自動車部品後補充生産への適用」 (Cooperative Scheduling for Multi-Type Resource-Sharing System of Product-mix Production- Application to a Post-Replenishment Production of Automobile Parts-)
    日本経営工学会論文誌,72(1), 75-87, 2021.

2020年度 査読付き論文/Publications (reviewed)

  1. T. Tsuji, S. Arima, "Automatic multi-class classification of tiny and faint printing defects
    based on semantic segmentation," Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, Springer, 101-113, June-2020.
  2. Z. Zhao, Y. Nishi, and S. Arima, "Interaction effects of environment and defect features to
    human cognition and skills in visual inspections," Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, Springer, 431-448, June-2020.
  3. 日本経営工学会秋季大会 4件(※発表&予稿集/査読なし)
    1. !! 祝・Best Presentation Award!!
      大沼悠人, 有馬澄佳 「微小欠点の高精度検出手法の構築と検証」, 日本経営工学会秋季大会2020要綱集, pp1-4, Oct-2020.
      (2019年度日本経営工学会 優秀学生賞受賞 卒業研究)
    2. 大野智暉, 有馬澄佳 「スマートフォンアプリの起動順序に着目したユーザーセグメント分析」, 日本経営工学会秋季大会2020要綱集, pp1-4, Oct-2020.
    3. 小川陽平, 有馬澄佳 「従属需要の予測手法の構築と検証」, 日本経営工学会秋季大会2020要綱集, pp1-4, Oct-2020.
    4. 半田滉太朗, 有馬澄佳 「スマホアプリ市場におけるヘビーユーザーのアプリ所持パターンと次期インストール数の関係」, 日本経営工学会秋季大会2020要綱集, pp1-4, Oct-2020.

2019年度 査読付き論文/Publications (reviewed)

  1. 特許:特願2020-038172号 
    発明者:筑波大学 有馬澄佳, 辻拓幹, 大沼悠斗, 西雄介 (有馬研).
  2. Submitted:Multi-dimensional VM Modeling based on Variable Selection Evaluations for High-dimensional Data,
    Huizhen BU, Takuya NAGATA, Sumika ARIMA
    IEEE Transaction on Semiconductor Manufacturing,pp.1-11
  3. Accepted(but Canceled): "Automatic multi-class classification of tiny printing defects based on semantic segmentation,"
    T. Tsuji, S. Arima
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods 2020, pp.1-10.
  4. !!Student Award!! Integrated 2D quality VM modeling:Upscaling and evaluations of High-dimension Low-samples
    Huizhen BU, Sumika ARIMA
    Proceedings of AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2019/pp.1-4, 2019-11. (Oral)
  5. Evaluations of Multi-dimension VM modeling:Low-samples open data and High-samples scalable data
    Sumika ARIMA, Huizhen BU
    Proceedings of AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2019/pp.1-4, 2019-11. (Poster)
  6. Feature Extractions from a High-dimension Low-samples Data for Multi-dimension Virtual Metrology,
    S.ARIMA/有馬澄佳, H. BU/卜恵貞, Y. ONUMA/大沼悠人, K. HANDA/半田滉太郎, T. NAGATA/永田拓也
    Proceedings of The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2019 (Joint symposium e-MDC and ISSM2019), pp.1-4, Sep-2019(in Shinchu, Taiwan).
  7. Applications of Hybrid flowshop schedulings under dynamic constraints of queue time and capacities,
    M. TANAKA/田中元晴, K. NISHIZAWA/西澤奎太, T. OHNO/大野智暉, Y. OGAWA/小川陽介, S. ARIMA/有馬澄佳,
    Proceedings of The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2019 (Joint symposium e-MDC and ISSM2019), pp.1-4, Sep-2019 (in Shinchu, Taiwan).
  8. Development and Evaluation of Chat-bot Systems :The applications of the citizen service procedure, Y. Kotsuka/小塚雄平, R. Murakami/村上僚, S. ARIMA/有馬澄佳
    Proceedings of IIAI 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics(AAI2019), pp.1-6 (Full paper), July-2019.

2018年度 査読付き論文/Publications (reviewed)

  1. Applications of Sparse Modelling and Principle Component Analysis for the Virtual metrology of comprehensive multi-dimensional quality
    S. ARIMA/有馬澄佳, T. NAGATA/永田拓也, H. Bu/卜恵貞, S. SHIMADA/島田颯己,
    Proceedings of International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES) 2019, Feb.19-21, 2019 (in PRAGUE, Czech Republic).
  2. Real-time Allocation of Multi-Type Production Resource with Due Date grouping for MTO Manufacturing –Semiconductor Wafer Test Process
    S. Arima, M. Tanaka/田中元晴
    Proceedings of The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2018 (ISSM2018), pp.1-4/MC-052, 2018-Dec.10-11th.
  3. Simultaneous Resource Allocation of Multi Resource Constrained Production
    S. Arima, H. Motomiya/本宮広之,
    Proceedings of The International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2018 (ISSM2018), pp.1-4/MC-059, 2018-Dec.10-11th.
  4. Dynamic Capacity Allocation and Scheduling for Multi-type Resource Sharing Systems
    H. Bu, H/卜恵貞, H. Motomiya/本宮広之, S. Arima
    Proceedings of The 13th International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications in engineering, technology and management (ISORA 2018), pp.1-12/S42, 2018-Aug. 22-26th
  5. Forecasting Call Center Arrivals using a Hybrid Model composed by Multiple Regression and LSTM
    Y. Akiyama/秋山裕, Y. Zhang/張羽トン, H. Sato, S. Arima
    Proceedings of The 13th International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications in engineering, technology and management (ISORA 2018), pp.1-6/S24, 2018-Aug. 22-26th
  6. Common sensing and Analyses to visualize a Production Process with Parallely Utilized Resource –Job-shop and Flow-shop cases
    Sumika ARIMA, M. TANAKA/田中元晴, T. NAGATA/永田拓也, Y. NISHI/西雄介
    Proceedings of IIAI 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI2018)/pp.1-6, 2018-07
  7. Development of a Hybrid-flow Scheduling System Considering with Individual Due-date and Uncontrollable Processing Time for MTO Production
    Sumika ARIMA, K.SHINODA/篠田憲汰,K.ONODERA/小野寺翔
    Proceedings of 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics/pp.1-5, 2018-07
  8. Work Study System Using Indoor Positioning Technology
    Sumika ARIMA, T. TSUJI/辻拓幹, Y. KOTSUKA/小塚雄平
    Proceedings of 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics/pp.1-6, 2018-07


  1. Sparse Modeling for Automatic Extraction of Variables to build accurate Virtual Metrology Model
    Sumika ARIMA, Yuri ISHIZAKI/石崎祐莉, HuiZhen Bu/卜恵貞 
    Proceedings of AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2017/pp.1-4, 2017-11
  2. Dynamic Scheduling of Product-mix Production Systems of MTS and MTO
    Sumika ARIMA, Yutong ZHANG, Yutaka AKIYAMA,Toshiyuki TAKAMATSU/高松利幸,
    Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2017/pp.1-4, 2017-09
  3. Real-time Resource Allocations and Shceduling of Product-mix Production Systems with Multi-type jigs
    Sumika ARIMA, Yutaka AKIYAMA/秋山裕, H. Bu/卜恵貞
    Proceedings of IEEE international symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (Joint symposium e-MDC and ISSM2017)/pp.1-4, 2017-09
  4. 国際特願(台湾)01151072, 発明I594100 「最適指標生成装置、最適指標生成方法、最適指標生成プログラム及び最適指標生成サーバ」(発明者:畠(有馬)澄佳、山崎雄大,  出願人:筑波大学) (登録: 2017年8月1日)
  5. 優秀賞受賞!
    有馬澄佳研究室, 新しい経済産業指標開発コンテスト2016最終報告会要綱/pp.1-28, 2017-02


  1. S. ARIMA, H. MOTOMIYA, Y. AKIYAMA: "Simultaneous Assignments of Multiple Types of Production Resources in Semiconductor Manufacturing," Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2016, MC-O-067 (pp.1-4), IEEE, Dec. 2016.
  2. S. ARIMA, H. BU, K. KITAMOTO, et.al. "Optimal Production and Capacity Planning for Make-to-Order type Semiconductor Production Systems," Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2016, MC-O-067 (pp.1-4), IEEE, Dec. 2016.
  3. 特許第6044977号(日本) 「最適指標生成装置、最適指標生成方法、最適指標生成プログラム及び最適指標生成サーバ」 (発明者:畠(有馬)澄佳、山崎雄大 、 出願人:筑波大学) (登録:2016年11月25日)
  4. (招待論文)有馬澄佳: 「半導体製造における装置/プロセスの監視・予測・処置のための機械学習とデータマイニング手法」, 精密工学会 プラナリゼーションCMPとその応用技術専門委員会 第150回研究会記念 招待論文集, 精密工学会, pp.1-6, 2016年6月20日.

and more

  • TRIOS (Sumika ARIMA)